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I grew up in southern California dreaming of two things living in Boston and being a military spouse.

Yes! You read that correctly.
I knew from a young age that I wanted to care for military spouses, but the only way a military spouse was going to listen to me was if I was one myself.  I had dated a guy in high school and believed this was the path I was headed down. When things ended, I put that dream on the back burner and quite honestly forgot about it.

However, God had not and was writing the story all along (why do I doubt him, really?). In 2010 I started attending California Baptist University where I wasn’t sure what I would major in, but I loved being an RA, being around people all the time and doing all the crazy random things college students do. My senior year a friend, who I had originally met in Jr. High at church camp had an extra ticket to a winter dinner at Downtown Disney. I offered to go with him if he didn’t haven anyone else to go with, why not have a fun night with an old friend? Little did I know this was the beginning of all my dreams coming true.

I graduated college in 2011 with still no idea what career path I was headed down, but my boyfriend (yes the same one I went to the dinner with as friends) was off to Basic Officer Leadership Course at Ft. Lee, VA. This started my whirlwind into Military wife life. Only 6 months later we were told he’d be deploying in another 6 months, and we knew we’d want to get married before he deployed. I planned my wedding during a 4-day weekend, got married 90 days after he proposed and sent him off to the middle east 2 months after that… welcome to the military right?

Since then, I have literally been living my dream. I have been an army wife for 10 years, I am raising two incredible boys and living on the east coast (not quit Boston, but we’re gradually getting closer). I have been able to support military spouses by being involved in programs, such as, the protestant women of the chapel (PWOC), Family Readiness Groups and Spouse clubs. I have been able to build community on and off post, through my children’s schools, through our church and honestly, anywhere I can (remind me to tell you how I met one of my best friends by stalking her as she walked her dog).

In 2020 I started dreaming about creating a podcast to help encourage women. I was at year 8 in my experience and could see the excitement wearing down with other military spouse with the same years of experience as me or more! We are exhausted. We have to move… again. Our kids have to change schools… again. We have to build community… again. The list goes on and on and it gets heavier and heavier. This last year I realized I cant make it ALL easier, but I can encourage you to keep going, support you as you experience new things (even though you feel like there is nothing new that can be thrown at you) and remind you how wonderful this unique lifestyle really is. I do this by giving you 5 things at a time to look forward to! Such as 5 things to look forward to at your new duty station, 5 places to make sure to use your military discount at or even the practical things like 5 Poas to make sure you always have.

As a 10 year military spouse I know that bad news travels fast and quick, but I’m going to be louder and faster with all the wonderful things we get to experience during our time as Military Spouses!

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